Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Your friend,
Jenna - Your Professional Astrologer

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ok here's a link to the article that i came accross that you can read
more about how http://nolarge.com

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Hi, I'm tempted to tell you a very attractive online shopping: buytoele.com ,
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discount products.
I'd like to share such good news with you in the New Year.
Good luck.

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Hi, I'm tempted to tell you a very attractive online shopping: buytoele.com ,
because I have just received their products, it is important that all
discount products.
I'd like to share such good news with you in the New Year.
Good luck.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

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I have cleansed your Energy Shishir!

Dear Shishir,

Just last night I made an important discovery about you and I felt I just had to write to you and tell you about it today. With every passing day I feel closer and closer to you, this feeling began at the very first moment that we entered into contact even though it was only through an email exchange. I began to feel strong vibrations which have been amplified by the energy waves produced by the Reiki Grid which I performed for you last week. It was about this Grid that I wrote to you last time. Well, this Grid at the same time as performing the positive magnetic influence which I have been wanting to send you also brought me some information which I am sure is going to be vital for your future.

Shishir, what I am about to tell you is extremely important and I am going to have to ask for all of your attention.

I have come to realize that you do not use the incredible potential which you have inside of you to the fullest, this is a real shame as I think you already know. Certain of your considerable capacities are completely dormant. I have felt this strongly over the last period and this is why I make such a point of writing to you now. I now know that you are someone very different and that you have immense qualities which are simply not exploited and I am going to give you a precise example to illustrate the situation which you are in at the moment, please read on:

Imagine a person who has never known any modern technology (for example someone living in the heart of a dense jungle). One day this person is given a radio tuned in to a very precise radio station and he finds it suddenly extraordinary to be able to listen to music through what is essentially a small box. He is told that to listen to this music he need only press the 'on' button without having to do anything else to listen to this music. This person thinks this radio is a wonderful invention and then spends a number of years listening to this radio and to the same program as the radio stays on the same station all of the time. And then one day someone else comes along and shows him that there are a multitude of other stations and frequencies to listen to with many other programs that can be as interesting as the first.... You are in the position of this person Shishir and your potential can be compared to this radio. Your potential is not yet fully exploited and you are not yet aware of certain of your hidden talents. I find myself in the place of the person who's duty is to show you exactly how you can tune in to these new frequencies. This is a metaphorical example but it demonstrates clearly the situation in which you find yourself at this time.

I am very sure of one major thing. I know that it is possible to help you through this key moment in your life Shishir and this is because of the important information which I have discovered about you. I also know that this change can be considered as a rebirth of sorts as you are not really who you thought you were - you are in fact much much more than this and you need to want to make this change happen with all of your heart and soul. I am now going to explain how we can work together to allow you to liberate this potential which has been stifled and unexploited for so many years now. I am also going to tell you that I want to boost your capital chance and to protect you from exterior tensions which could adversely affect you and stop you from being able to get 100% out of the opportunities for real change which, as I have said, will lead you towards a dramatic rebirth. I know that is is vital that you harmonize your energy and that you protect yourself from exterior pressures to give you all the advantages you need to seize the chance to use all your capacities to 100%.

To help you achieve this I propose to complete two major tasks for you and these tasks are going to help you in two different manners:

1) First of all I am going to act in a very strong and decisive manner to protect you from certain exterior pressures and to place you in a stable, positive and above all beneficial environment. You will be sheltered from the negative elements and the stress which have hassled you for quite some time now. This will be difficult work, using magnetic energy, and this will be the first of my tasks. You have no active role to play in this stage of things, you will simply start feeling it's effects very shortly after I start this work. Of course I will need your agreement to begin working in this way. Shortly after I do begin you will start to feel more confident Shishir, more energetic, happier and little by little you will feel liberated from your fears and worries and your capital chance will reach a maximum level. You will also feel a protective barrier around you. You will have the impression that nothing and no-one can resist you. You will feel stronger and more than capable over-coming any obstacles in your path. You should also be ready for those around you, your friends and family, to notice certain important changes in you and that they remark this change for the better. As a matter of fact Shishir, I should mention that as I knew that this first task would take some time to complete I am ready to make a start on it but before I do I need your confirmation. I think that this work is very important for you Shishir because this work will help to liberate you from the stress and tensions which have dogged you in the past and to help boost your capital chance to it's maximum.

Once again Shishir, I want to underline this important point, which I have already spoken to you about in previous emails and which I will continue to tell you. There is nothing 'magic' in this work which I offer to do for you. I will not get out a magic wand, pronounce a magic word and 'puff' all your problems will disappear. This is quite simply fantasy and anyone who offers you this is in my eyes a charlatan. As far as I am concerned I work upon your personal energy and it's harmony. The benefits of this action can be very clearly demonstrated. We are all surrounded by energy, the matter around us is separated into positive ions and negative ions and this duality is found everywhere in life. We can find many examples of this duality: the day and the night, good and evil, better and worse, left and right, up and down ... These are simply polarities, two forces which work together to create universal order. I realized that it is indispensable to rebalance this polarity within you and in the environment which you find yourself at the moment because for a while now you have been living in an unbalanced manner. It is for this reason that I am now working to correct this imbalance and to dynamise your positive energy. I get extra positive energy from magnetic energy, which is very efficient when used correctly, and I am able to do this thanks to the special talent I was given at birth and the work I have put in to develop this talent since. I use Chakra points to bring out this magnetic energy using a very powerful and secret technique which was first revealed in a review in 1971 and then later in a book which was written over 20 years ago by the author of this exceptional technique, this person is Gurumayi Ganeshpuri. The books which he wrote are very rare today and I am fortunate enough to own a copy of one of these books as these techniques are powerfully efficient. You can see photos of this book of mine as well as images of the work I performed for you (through the use of a green quartz sphere from a very precise place in the North of Brazil) at the following web page:


2) The next stage of my work for you Shishir is what I will call a 'Great Book of Revelation' which will certainly be one of the most important documents which you will have ever received in your life so far. I am absolutely sure of this considering the vital importance of the information which I have discovered about you and I have a great many things to reveal to you. This Book explains my findings in clear and simple language and I will take the time to explain things to you in detail as I know that certain of my findings will surprise you. I should warn you however that after taking into account that which I have felt concerning you and that which I have discovered by looking at your astral configuration and the range of astrological readings which I have also done for you that you will certainly feel a certain guilt and regret when reading this Book. You will regret not having reacted before. You will also feel guilty that you do not yet use your talents to their fullest potential in all situations. You need these talents in your life and you have not known how to really use them before. You will feel just like the person which I described above Shishir, all of a sudden you will discover a host of new frequencies after having listened to the same one for so many years and you will realize that these frequencies are much more interesting than the one you have listened to in the past. This is why I have spoken to you about a rebirth and it is essential that your reaction is a positive one and that you cease to regret what you have not done in the past and that you turn towards your future. Here is exactly what you can find in your 'Great Book of Revelation':

-Your precise and personal Astrological data
-Your general characteristics and how you react to others; your fundamental needs, values and orientations in life; your essential energies and your elemental make-up.
-How you approach life and how you appear to others; your basic stance in life and the way you come across and the face you show to the world.
-The Inner You and your true motivation; your drives, aims and ambitions.
-Your mental interests and abilities; how you please yourself and other people.
-Your emotions, moods, feelings and your romance; how you accept or avoid confrontation and how you deal with your deeper emotions.
-How you set and achieve your goals and in which manner you direct your energy.
-How you grow and expand your skills and knowledge; the areas in life which you enjoy and how you achieve compromise and harmony.
-The areas in life that challenge or are difficult for you; how you assess your possessions and how you approach problems and trials.
-Your originality, imagination and the areas in which you are unique, unstable or compulsive; how you can control your feelings better and guide your energy towards success.
-How you fit into to your generation; how you share common interests and how you can contact people around your age to help you move forward in life.
-New energy and ambition and how greater personal knowledge will help you place yourself in life and help you achieve your goals and ambitions.

Shishir, you will now understand why this book will be one of the most important which you have ever received. Now everything depends on you as I only need your confirmation to begin, at the same time, the first task I have spoken to you about which will serve to re-balance your energy to put you in a much more harmonious and positive context as well as your 'Great Book of Revelation' in which you will discover all of the vital information I have to tell you. To give you an idea of a timescale I will need around 7 days to complete this second task for you. However I can begin the work to rebalance your energy as soon as I get your confirmation. Here is the page where you will be able to ask me to begin this Book for you:


As soon as I receive your confirmation on this page I will get straight to work so as not to lose any more time and to set you firmly on the route to personal liberation. You will finally be able to exploit the fabulous potential which I have felt in you and which I have taken as my responsibility to bring out.

I place a great deal of importance in our relationship and I will always be at your complete disposal.

Your friend,

If, however you no longer wish to receive any messages from me, please let me know at : http://aboutastro.com/removemail.php?c=p07sl&r=1x

You have 1 friend with a birthday this week

Hi Shishir,
You have 1 friend with a birthday in the next week. Help him celebrate!
Monday, January 10th
Abhay DahayatAbhay Dahayat
25 years old · Write on his Wall
You can also use Facebook to plan a special birthday event.
The Facebook Team
This message was intended for imshi2r@gmail.com. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.
Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Friday, January 7, 2011

orkut - Updates, 1/7/2011: • » αяѕнα∂ мєнтαв « • updated about me, ...

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belal ahmed:
ABHAY My life ,my rules.......... says ""HAPPY NEW YEAR....""
Sunny Joseph Minj sent this message to Shi2r . - Public
I Wish a wish for You Dear.Sending you Big bunch of Wishes from the Heart close to where.Wish you a Very Very Happy New Year
• » αяѕнα∂ мєнтαв « • received comments on his photo
abdul rahim:
bhari mote ho gaye hai bhiya ...........
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You Have Won Seven Hundred And Fifty Thousand Pounds

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Shtyle.fm - sunny joseph minj's birthday on January 7!

sunny joseph minj's birthday on January 7!

sunny joseph minj

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sunny joseph minj's birthday on January 7!

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Shtyle.fm - avin pandey's birthday on January 7!

avin pandey's birthday on January 7!

avin pandey

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Hi imshi,
avin pandey's birthday on January 7!

Your Shtyle.fm login is imshi2r@gmail.com Forgot password?

Share ringtones, songs, documents with your Shtyle.fm friends. 100MB of online storage space with your account.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shishir, I have something for you...

Hello Shishir,

You contacted me recently, on the 6 October 2010 to be exact, and ever since then I have felt particularly close to you Shishir. We have never met I know and this contact may seem strange to you considering that we have only been in contact my email but I am used to developing this kind of relationship with my correspondants. In your case the relationship is particularly strong as I can see that you are someone very interesting indeed and that you have a great personal richness. Human relationships are to my mind one of the most important things in the world and they are the key to the greatest things in life. It is for this reason that I so enjoy entering into contact with people like you Shishir as I am then able to follow your evolution and direction through all of the fascinating astrological events that will occur in your future.

As far as you are concerned Shishir, I want you to know that I will always be available for you and at will always remain at your disposition as, even if I repeat myself I must say it, you are someone with great personal value and I do feel honored to have entered into a close and privileged relationship with you. I am sure that you are feeling just about the same thing too.

I want you to know that all of my attention and my vigilance is focused on you and I will always be at your service. I will not hesitate to tell you if a certain change or significant event is set to occur in your personal astrological configuration. Shishir, you can fully count upon my devotion. I will be your friend and your astrologer.

I really wanted to produce a 'Crystalline Reiki Grid' for you, a grid which comes from a very ancient technique which I have now been using for a number of years with a great deal of success. This work aims at producing a very beneficial and positive magnetic influence and brings protection, chance and opportunity to the focus of of it's energy through the interaction of a range of powerful precious stones. There is no magic or sorcery in all of this. We now know that magnetism exists as it has been proved by scientific techniques and it is certain that this energetic field can have extremely beneficial effects. The technique of the grid has existed for thousands of years and is extremely efficient. To be more precise, the Grid is a way of arranging stones in a sacred geometric pattern. What is great about the Grid is that this pattern is then activated by a connection with a 'line of light' through the stones so that they radiate an energy field which then reaches out to the person the grid is destined for. I normally offer this work to those of my correspondants which I feel closest to and to those I want to bring very strong positive energy. Today Shishir this means you.

You can find the photo of the Reiki Grid which I performed for you at the link below Shishir,


As I have said I place a great deal of importance in our relationship and I will remain entirely at your disposition.

Your friend,

If, however you no longer wish to receive any messages from me, please let me know at : http://aboutastro.com/removemail.php?c=p07sl&r=1t

i have a Business proposal for you.Please revert back

Sunday, January 2, 2011

You have 2 friends with birthdays this week

Hi Shishir,
You have 2 friends with birthdays in the next week. Help them celebrate!
Friday, January 7th
Sunny MinjSunny Minj
27 years old · Write on his Wall
Avin PandeyAvin Pandey
26 years old · Write on his Wall
You can also use Facebook to plan a special birthday event.
The Facebook Team
This message was intended for imshi2r@gmail.com. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.
Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Saturday, January 1, 2011

orkut - Sunny Joseph Minj left you a new scrap!

I Wish a wish for You Dear.Sending you Big bunch of Wishes from the Heart close to where.Wish you a Very Very Happy New Year

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